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Saturday, January 26, 2013

What we learn from James Cameron

What we learn from Lames Cameron

James Cameron, a great movie director, who is famous by “Tantalic” and “Avatar”. He is also the director of “Alien”, “Terminator” and “The Abyss”. How can he make such great movies? The answer is curious.

When James was a boy, he loves science fictions. Science fictions gave little James a lot of new thing to image. Also, James likes sea. He and his film production team got deep-sea diving certificate during the movie “The Abyss” was filming. After that, he put his attention on computer graphic. Then he made “Titanic” and “Avatar”. James always keeps his curious from one thing to another. That makes his brain full of imaginations. Curiousity makes him confidence. He knows what he wants and how to get it. James also knows how to respect his team. He knows he won’t successes without an outstanding team.

Just like James said “Curious is the most powerful thing you own. Don’t put limitations on you self. Other people will do that for you—don’t do it yourself.” Don’t be afraid of failure. Don’t stop our steps to forward. Keep curiosity in our heart. If we do so, we will successes.

1 comment:

  1. Cameron is famous "for" "Titanic", not famous "by Tantalic". Please peer edit before publishing. I like how you begin this post with a question, but the key word is "curiosity", a noun, not "curious" an adjective. (You will hear him say "curiosity" many times. Also, "imagine" (verb), not "image" (noun). Use your grammar please.

    The second paragraph is very good, but the last two sentences belong in a separate paragraph as they do not relate to curiosity.

    An excellent final paragraph. I love the quote.

    Although an interesting post, the poor grammar detracts from it.
    Also, who wrote this? I assume it was both of you, but I don't see this indicated. 3/5
